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How OMEGA reached 28M impressions through 17 creator collaborations in 4 months

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Read how OMEGA reached 28M impressions through 17 creator collaborations in 4 months.
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How OMEGA reached 28M impressions through 17 creator collaborations in 4 months

OMEGA is luxury watch and jewelry brand based in Switzerland. OMEGA looked to shift their targeted audience to a younger, newer audience who may not have already been associated with their high-end and luxurious products and branding. 

The Challenge

  • Increase Global Brand Awareness

OMEGA wanted to raise awareness of their jewelry among a young, international audience by running an influencer marketing campaign in China, UK, Europe and the Middle East. 

  • Go beyond Paid Social Ads

OMEGA’s goal was to amplify existing strong media and generate fresh, new, real-life content that could embody and celebrate the brand’s perception and values.


The Solution

  • Global Reach

From millions of influencers in the database, Upfluence sourced 17 influencers internationally to introduce the OMEGA brand to a collective of nearly 10M prospective customers.

  • Precise Audience Targeting

Upfluence’s services team produced a catalog of highly targeted influencers who met OMEGA’s desired demographic: Young, stylish, affluent women with a luxurious taste for fashion.

  • Content Production

Renewing OMEGA’S content library with high-quality posts that blend influencer flair with the luxury of OMEGA. Creating uniquely generated content that’s ideal for future marketing initiatives. 


The Results

Positive Impact

OMEGA successfully used young and influential voices to represent their brand on social media. The collaborations helped bridge OMEGA’s legacy and the new and exciting social media landscape.

The 17 influencers successfully embodied the brand’s vision for luxury meets modern, and high-end mixed with highstreet. With a whole new content library, OMEGA was able to bring real, authentic influencer advocacy to their branding efforts.

OMEGA introduced their collection to various countries across the world, with published content on Instagram, blogs, & Weibo. They will be able to reuse this campaign in other markets and countries. 

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