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How Micro Center achieved 9.2M impressions through 10 Twitch creator collaborations in 2 months

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Read how Micro Center achieved 9.2M impressions through 10 Twitch creator collaborations in 2 months.
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The Challenge

Micro Center is an American consumer electronics retailer who turned to Upfluence to increase visits to their store and website and promote their new product, the MainGear Vibe 2 computer amongst their target audience of people aged 21+ interested in tech and gaming.

  • Increase Brand Awareness

Micro Center looked to build brand awareness through reaching out to a gaming audience thanks to influencer collaborations.

  • Drive Online & Offline Visits

Through influencer promotions, Micro Center wanted to increase website traffic and visits to their stores. 

  • Product Launch

Micro Center worked with streamers to build excitement and drive sales of their brand new product, the MainGear Vibe 2 gaming computer. 


The Solution

Upfluence coordinated a Live Unboxing campaign across Twitch and product promotion on Twitter. 

Twitch Influencer Reach

Upfluence sourced 10 Twitch influencers to introduce the Micro Center to a collective of nearly 1.7M prospective customers.

Audience Targeting

Upfluence’s services team produced a catalog of highly targeted influencers who met Micro Center’s desired demographic: young people interested in tech, gaming and gadgets.

Content Production

Influencers live-streamed unboxing the MainGear Vibe 2 computer on Twitch to showcase the main features of the product and answer fans’ questions.


The Results

Exceeding Expectations

An impressive total of 9,2M+ impressions were made, when 4M were estimated. This is partly due to longer stream hours and bigger audiences during the quarantine during the 2 months that the campaign was running.

Positive Impact

Micro Center’s influencer partnerships were incredibly well received by the streamers’ community on Twitch and Twitter. They were an engaged audience with positive interactions, including the overall Twitch chat sentiment which was 70.7% positive.

The campaign reached a minimum of 1,402,008 unique viewers. The streamers content, directly linked to Micro Center visuals, were seen during
4,364,705 hours of streaming during the two months partnership.

During the unboxing portion of the live-stream there were 306 direct brand mentions and 1.2K Micro Center related keyword mentions.

Twitch Results

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Twitter Results

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