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Twitch & YouTube Streaming Services Skyrocket during Confinement

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Influencer Marketing Platform » Blog » Twitch & YouTube Streaming Services Skyrocket during Confinement

The huge increase in activity on online streaming services, undoubtedly a direct response to people’s needs of entertainment at home during this time, presents compelling timeliness for brands and influencers. Many creators, brands, and organizations have adopted creative and effective ways to use these services to reach new audiences in a very new era.

Riding high among the hard-hitting streaming services are Twitch and Youtube. Live-streaming and viewing are definitely having a moment right now! Not only are there more people streaming content, but there is also a huge increase in viewership.  You can explore the data further by reading Upfluence’s research paper outlining the influence of COVID-19 on Twitch audiences and how lockdown measures can affect live streaming usage.

Key data presented for Twitch and YouTube:

This infographic reveals audience behaviour for Twitch and YouTube during confinement, outlining 7 key datasets of audience behaviour.

  • Confinement behaviour
  • Twitch statistics by language
  • Popular keywords
  • YouTube viewership statistics
  • Activity patterns
  • Predicted activity
  • Types of streams


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infographic with key data for Twitch and YouTube

Twitch stat infographic

Popular keyword infographic

Twitch & YouTube video stats confinement 2020 preview


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