Creator Outreach, the right way.
Learning how to master creator outreach with an effective strategy can be the key factor in reaching influencer marketing success. Discover tips for personalization, timing, and scaling your influencer outreach campaigns in the newest episode of the “Ready, Set, Click!” podcast, hosted by Paul Kahn and Vivien Garnès.
Why Email Outreach Beats DMs
Influencer marketing is a critical component of any modern marketing campaign. However, the approach brands take to connect with creators can make all the difference in the success of their outreach. While direct messaging (DMs) through social platforms like Instagram might seem convenient, email outreach remains the most efficient and professional method for creator outreach. Here’s why:
- Professionalism and Organization: Emails allow for structured communication, which is essential when discussing collaborations or sharing contracts.
- Preference from Influencers: Many influencers prefer professional inquiries via email, separating fan interactions from business opportunities.
- Standing Out: Influencers’ inboxes are often flooded with direct messages. Email provides more space to pitch your ideas clearly and professionally.
Stand Out On Instagram In 2024
Hubspot and Upfluence joined forces to deliver the newest edition of the Instagram Report for 2024. Inside, you can find loads of interesting statistics about crafting the best strategies for social media.
Building a Brand That Attracts Influencers
Before reaching out to influencers, it’s essential to build a brand that influencers want to be associated with. Here’s how to make your brand stand out:
- Brand Authenticity: Influencers are selective about the brands they partner with. They look for authenticity and alignment with their values. If your brand feels genuine, influencers are more likely to accept partnerships.
- A Mutual Fit: For smaller influencers, it’s crucial to ensure your brand resonates with their audience. Meaningful brand-influencer alignment leads to more authentic engagement and successful collaborations.
Successful campaigns start with this alignment, as influencers are more likely to represent brands they feel connected to.
Crafting the Perfect Message: Subject Lines and Email Content
The subject line is your first—and sometimes only—chance to grab an influencer’s attention. Here’s how to make it count:
- Short and Sweet: Keep subject lines concise—2 to 4 words is ideal. Clearly state the value you bring. For example, use “Paid Partnership with @YourHandle” instead of generic phrases like “Collaborate with Us.”
- Personalization: Add personal touches, such as referencing the influencer’s Instagram handle, to show you’ve done your research. Avoid overly formal or generic subject lines, which can come across as spammy.
Once your email is opened, keep the message short, clear, and direct. Highlight a strong value proposition—what’s in it for them—and include a simple call to action, such as responding or visiting a brief link for more details.
How did Upfluence get its start?
Did you know that Upfluence began as a… Necktie business? Upfluence’s co-CEO shares valuable influencer marketing tips and tricks, and talks about his entrepreneurial journey and strategic pivots.
Timing and Follow-Up: Keys to Higher Engagement
The timing of your creator outreach is as important as the content itself. To maximize engagement, consider these strategies:
- Best Days and Times: Emails sent on Tuesdays and Thursdays often yield higher response rates. Avoid sending emails on Mondays or weekends when influencers may not check their inboxes as frequently.
- Off-Peak Hours: Brands have found success sending emails on Saturday mornings, particularly with part-time influencers who create content on weekends.
- Follow-Ups Matter: Over half of the responses come from follow-up emails. Plan for two or three follow-ups spaced a few days apart. Be polite and persistent without overwhelming the influencer.
Timing your outreach strategically and following up consistently can greatly improve open and reply rates.
Scaling Your Creator Outreach
Once your initial creator outreach has proven successful, the next step is scaling your efforts. Working with more influencers introduces new challenges, especially in maintaining personalization. Here’s how to manage it:
- Start with Smaller Influencers: Before handling large-scale campaigns, work with smaller creators to generate grassroots support. Their more authentic content can lay the foundation for bigger campaigns.
- Streamline Processes: As you scale, automation tools can help manage follow-ups and email sequencing while still maintaining personalized messages.
- Maintaining Engagement: When scaling, it’s crucial to retain the human touch. Ensure communications remain personal, even when reaching hundreds of influencers.
Scaling successfully requires balancing automation with personalization to ensure consistent engagement.
Get Your Brand To The Next Level
Discover Upfluence, the top Influencer Marketing solution for your business. Discover how you can optimize your marketing campaign with the most trusted online creators today!
The 5-Variable Formula for Maximizing Creator Outreach Success
To optimize your creator outreach efforts, consider using the 5-variable formula developed by Meclabs, which helps streamline influencer campaigns and boost conversions. Here’s the breakdown:
- Motivation (M): Target influencers who align with your brand values and reach the audience you want. The stronger the alignment, the higher the influencer’s motivation to collaborate.
- Value Proposition (V): Communicate what you’re offering. Whether it’s compensation or products, the value should be clear and attractive to the influencer.
- Incentive (I): This sweetens the deal. Offering a special incentive like paid partnerships or exclusive access can drive higher conversion rates.
- Friction (F): Minimize barriers that make it hard for influencers to say yes. Streamline processes from contracts to product selection.
- Anxiety (A): Influencers need to trust your brand. Showcase credibility through testimonials, a professional website, or past successful collaborations.
By maximizing Motivation, Value Proposition, and Incentive while reducing Friction and Anxiety, you can significantly improve the effectiveness of your outreach efforts.