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The April Edition: Get The Latest Influencer Marketing News and Trends

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We’ve pulled the latest and greatest news, trends, and insight from across the industry into one must-read article. We’ll publish a roundup of the best created and curated content in the influencer marketing industry to our blog every month, or you can have it sent to your inbox by subscribing to our newsletter

Here’s our must-read, hit list for April:

Data-driven insight for effective influencer marketing in the consumer tech industry

Consumer tech has seen a resurgence since the pandemic. People are spending more time at home and have increasingly turned to tech for home-working, learning, and entertainment. Influencer marketing on YouTube and Twitch is helping consumer tech brands to reach strategic audiences and drive online purchases.  With tech gadgets now omnipresent in almost every aspect of our lives, it’s no surprise that demand remains high and the industry continues to grow. Upfluence’s latest industry report analyzes influencer marketing in the consumer tech industry. Performance data gathered from 1,000 top tech creators offers new insights on the best social channels, influencer types, and content formats.

These three key insights reveal the most effective strategies for tech influencer marketing:

  • YouTube is a priority social media channel for consumer tech brands 

Upfluence data reveals that YouTube has the highest concentration of consumer tech influencers. Tech YouTube creators also have the largest online following. This makes YouTube a stand-out platform that offers brands the highest reach. 


Brands should use YouTube within their content marketing strategy to launch new products, highlight new features, and offer educational content to their customers. Partnering with tech YouTubers will boost brand awareness and drive affiliate sales. 

Twitch is home to tech influencers who create content in the gaming niche. Live video content has proven to be extremely engaging, with Twitch influencers generating more views than tech YouTubers.

Tech brands can leverage live unboxing campaigns to promote brand awareness on Twitch. 

  • Gaming tech and smartphones are popular products on Instagram

Our analysis of the most popular hashtags used in consumer tech influencer campaigns on Instagram shows that smartphones and gaming PCs are the top-performing product mentions on the platform. We can also see that Apple and Samsung are the most talked about brands on Instagram.

Consumer tech instagram hashtags

Tech brands selling gaming equipment or smartphones can reach customers in their target audience on Instagram.

To accompany the consumer tech industry report, we’ve also created a dedicated guide to consumer tech influencer marketing, offering an in-depth analysis of Upfluence’s data and actionable recommendations on using YouTube and Twitch for influencer marketing. 


eCommerce success hinges on your customer’s experience: here’s how to get it right!

Building loyalty and repeat business online means providing a high-value eCommerce experience to your customers. Selling online offers new opportunities for a superior customer experience. The online shopping experience needs to offer more than just convenience. Brands should leverage the latest technologies and best practices to create a unique and personalized brand experience across all points of sale. Check out our blog on 5 ways to improve your customers’ online shopping experience:

  • Create a frictionless purchase journey
  • Use consumer data for greater personalization
  • Build trust with transparency 
  • Leverage social commerce for added convenience
  • Use AR/VR to help customers make the best choice 


The best KPIs for measuring influencer marketing success

Evaluating the true performance of your influencer campaigns must go beyond vanity metrics to include conversions and sales. In the Complete Guide to Influencer Marketing KPIs, you’ll get an in-depth breakdown of the most important KPIs and how to use them to calculate ROI.

Your chosen KPIs should align with your specific campaign goal. While the most common KPIs are based on social media data, brands can get valuable performance insights from web traffic and Google search statistics. With a full picture of your campaign performance, you’ll know which influencers are your strongest partners for long-term campaigns. 


Top 5 influencer and industry stories this month

  1. Gaming Influencers Are the Future of Esports
  2. IPG Mediabrands and TikTok build exclusive creator programs to connect brands with culture
  3. Doubling up on Instagram Live with Live Rooms
  4. Clubhouse is launching worldwide on Android!
  5. Introducing Twitter’s Tip Jar



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