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7 influencer email templates to boost your outreach

7 minutes read
Influencer Marketing Platform » Blog » Influencer Marketing » 7 influencer email templates to boost your outreach

Every successful influencer partnership starts with a killer outreach message. Contacting an influencer who has never heard of your brand or tried your products is a challenge. In that first outreach message, brands need to introduce their brand, get creators excited about their products and convince creators to collaborate with them to promote a product they’ve never seen before. All that has to be achieved in a few lines of an email or DM! It’s a tall order, but help is at hand. We’ve put together 7 email templates to guide you in writing that initial influencer outreach message. Using an influencer email template means you don’t have to come up with a different message for every influencer or every new campaign. You’ll save a ton of time while still having the flexibility to personalize each email template so the message aligns with your brand’s needs. 

How to use an influencer email template

Reaching out to influencers is a key stage of any campaign. Whether you want to send creators a free product, invite influencers to join your ambassador program, or are looking for affiliates to sell your products, it all starts with your first outreach email. With this in mind, our experts have created influencer marketing email templates for 7 common scenarios. 

  1. Choose the influencer email template which best matches your needs. 
  2. Read through the template and take note of the instructions in brackets [], this will tell you what additional information you’ll need to have handy!
  3. Copy and paste your chosen influencer email template into your email tool
  4. Edit and personalize the outreach emails to include your influencer’s name, your brand name, details of your products, etc. 
  5. Add product links, descriptions, and images to bring your products to life in the body of the email.
  6. Include a clear call to action and contact information so they ask any further questions
  7. Don’t forget to edit the subject line!
  8. Click send! 

Check out these 6 email outreach tips to ensure you grab your influencer’s attention.

influencer email outreach
Image credit:

Influencer Instagram DM template

Hello [influencer name]!

My name is [your name] from [brand name], a company based in [company location] specialized in [company activity/products]. 

I really love the content you post on Instagram, it’s totally aligned with our passion for [insert brand value or brand niche]. 

I’m reaching out to invite you to join our creator program. I really liked your post about [post topic] and I think you’d be a great fit for our brand because [insert reason that they align with your brand]. 

We offer our creators [insert details of your offer e.g: flat fee, free products, revenue sharing, etc]. 

If you’re interested in joining our program, you can apply here: [insert application form link]. We’d love to have you onboard!

Feel free to check out our brand’s Instagram profile [@brandhandle].   

Have a great day!

[your name]

Influencer product gifting email template

Subject line: [influencer name] + [brand name] partnership offer

Hello [influencer name!]

I really love the content you post on [social network], it’s totally aligned with our passion for [insert brand value or brand niche]. 

My name is [your name] from [brand name], a company based in [company location] specialized in [company activity/products]. 

I would love to send you [insert product name] for you to try! I’m sure you’ll enjoy using it because [insert product value proposition/benefits]. My suggestion is that you try out the product and let us know what you think. If you enjoy it, we’d appreciate you posting a [feed post/ Instagram Story/etc] to tell your followers about your experience. 

If you would like to receive [insert product name], simply reply to let us know your shipping address and we’ll take care of the rest!

You can learn more about [brand name] here [insert website or social media handle]  

Have a great day!

[your name]

Influencer giveaway pitch  

Subject line: [influencer name] + [brand name] Giveaway contest

Hello [insert influencer name]

My name is [your name] from [brand name], a company based in [company location] specialized in [company activity/products]. 

I really love the content you post on [social network], it’s totally aligned with our passion for [insert brand value or brand niche]. 

I’m reaching out because we would like to invite you to host a giveaway competition on behalf of [brand name]. I think your followers would be interested in a chance to win [product name]. I’m sure you and your followers will enjoy using our products because they are [insert product USP/benefits].

If you’re interested in taking part, we’d be happy to send a bundle of [product name] for you to try, as well as a gift bundle [product name] to be given away as a prize to one of your followers. The giveaway rules are simple, and you can find a text to copy and paste within the post here [insert link to giveaway contest rules]. 

To confirm your interest in hosting a giveaway contest for [brand name] simply reply to this email, don’t forget to provide us with your postal address, and we’ll take care of the rest!

You can learn more about [brand name] here [insert website or social media handle]  

Have a great day!

[your name]

Paid collaboration email template

Subject line: [influencer name] + [brand name] Paid collaboration

Hello [influencer name!],

My name is [your name] from [brand name], a company based in [company location] specialized in [company activity/products]. 

I really love the content you post on [social network], it’s totally aligned with our passion for [insert brand value or brand niche]. 

I’m reaching out because we are running a social media campaign to promote [product name] and we think you’d be a great fit for our paid collaboration campaign. I think you and your audience will be excited to learn about [product name] because [insert USP of your product, the reason why it aligns with the creator’s content]. 

We’re looking for creators to publish: [add the details of your campaign deliverables]

  • 1 x Instagram feed post 
  • 2 x Instagram Story posts 
  • 1 x TikTok video (30 seconds)

In exchange, we’d like to offer to send you [insert product name], as well as [insert $ amount] for your efforts. 

If you’re interested in taking part in this paid collaboration please [reply to this email/fill in this application] by [insert deadline date if applicable]. 

You can learn more about [brand name] here [insert website or social media handle]  

Have a great day!

[your name]

Brand ambassador collaboration template 

Subject line: Join [brand name’s] Brand Ambassador program

Hello [influencer name!],

My name is [your name] from [brand name], a company based in [company location] specialized in [company activity/products]. 

I really love the content you post on [social network], it’s totally aligned with our passion for [insert brand value or brand niche]. 

I’m reaching out to invite you to join our Brand Ambassador program. I think you’d be a perfect fit for our brand because [insert reason/content example that shows they’re a good fit]. 

As a Brand Ambassador, you’d take part in [insert activities e.g brand events, affiliate campaigns, social media campaigns]. 

We offer our Brand Ambassadors [insert compensation/perks e.g VIP goodies, early access to selected product lines, promo codes, complimentary event passes, etc]. 

If you’re interested in joining our Brand Ambassador program simply [insert next steps]. 

You can learn more about [brand name] here [insert website or social media handle]  

Have a great day!

[your name]

Affiliate program invitation template 

Subject line: Join [brand name’s] Affiliate program

Hello [influencer name!],

My name is [your name] from [brand name], a company based in [company location] specialized in [company activity/products]. 

I really love the content you post on [social network], it’s totally aligned with our passion for [insert brand value or brand niche]. 

I’m reaching out to invite you to join our affiliate program. We’re looking for creators to promote [insert product name] and I think your audience will be interested to learn about our products because [product benefit/USP]. 

We would offer an affiliate commission of [X%] per conversion, based on selling [product name] at [X$]. 

If you are interested in joining our program and would like to learn more, please [insert next steps]. 

Have a great day!

[your name]

Influential customer template 

Subject line: Become a [brand name] partner to claim your free gift

Hello [customer name!],

My name is [your name] from [brand name]. I hope you’ve enjoyed using [insert name of most recent product purchased]!

I’m reaching out because we appreciate your loyalty to [insert brand name] and we’d like to tell you about a special opportunity to partner with our brand. We love the content you post on [insert social network] and would love for you to try out [insert product name] and share a social media post about your experience. In exchange, we can offer to send you [product name] for free. 

If you’d like to participate simply [insert next steps]. 

Don’t forget to tag [insert brand handle] and use the hashtag [insert brand hashtag #] in your post! 

Have a great day,

[your name]

Image credit:

If 7 influencer email templates aren’t enough, check out Upfluence’s influencer marketing templates for creator agreements, contracts and campaign briefs!

Top tips to boost responses to your influencer email outreach 

Now you’ve chosen the right influencer email template for your campaign, get insight from our recent blog on how to reach out to influencers to help you personalize your emails and scale your outreach.

Follow these key tips to boost your number of positive responses! 

  • Find out the creator’s real name and use it!
  • Use a tool such as Upfluence’s chrome extension to find their professional email address instead of sending DMs. 
  • Highlight why their audience will find your brand/products interesting. 
  • Tell them the benefits of your product to get them excited about trying it. 
  • Address compensation up-front. Set out what you can offer in return whether it’s free products, a flat fee, or a revenue-sharing model. 
  • Include a clear call to action or next steps so creators know what to do if they’re interested in taking part.
  • Include a deadline to receive responses, this might prompt creators to reply asap as they won’t want to miss out on this collaboration opportunity. 

What makes a strong influencer offer?  Watch the video below to find out! 

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